SC Teacher Busted: Secret Gender/Sex-Orientation Surveys To Middle Schoolers
Transed Her Own Kid; Promised To Keep Survey From Parents, Administrators
*Identifying information of the parent and student involved have been changed to protect them
I’ve tried to find a way to approach this article properly for multiple days. Is what I am about to write to be considered a “critique of the modern United States Education System?” Or, am I trying to expose the fact that far-left activists have been given leading roles in indoctrinating future generations of Americans?
Or…have I stumbled upon one of the ever-increasing examples of an adult who deems themselves to be a leftist activist while being employed as a teacher, suffering from Munchausen-by-proxy, who was not satisfied with confusing their own child into devastation and mental issues by “transing” her as a child, and must, therefore, re-enact the ritual upon pre-teen students which will potentially and irreparably harm multiple graduating classes throughout the foreseeable future?
I believe there is a bit of truth in all of those assessments…but here we go anyway.
A parent has all but lost hope, feeling she has nowhere to turn after learning that her 8th grade daughter was asked to fill out a survey regarding gender identification, sexual orientation, and more. What’s worse? The survey itself was meant to be hidden from both parents and administrators, as well as the answers the kids may have provided to those suggestive questions.
A violation of trust has never had a better example.
The parent found out when her daughter came home frustrated about a survey given to her by a computer teacher named Mardy Burleson at Hilton Head Island Middle School on Monday, January 9th of this year (2023). The student said that multiple children in the class had expressed their discomfort with the hidden nature of the survey, as well as the private & suggestive content it asked, amongst themselves, but those children also said they were afraid to confront the teacher about it for fear of being targeted, or, of “offending the teacher.”
At first glance it seems quite strange that 12-13 year old 8th grade students should be concerned about offending a teacher by simply stating they are uncomfortable being asked to hide information about their sexual orientation and gender identity from their parents and counselors. But the more we learned about the teacher in question, the more it began to make sense. The students were probably correct in their assumption, Thankfully one student went to her parents about the situation.
See, the teacher, has spent years up to this point transitioning her own daughter into a “son,” while making no secret of expressing her own full-fledged support for the controversial ideas behind gender-ideology (which is being pushed upon children in k-12 schools at an ever increasingly young age) at every opportunity in & out of the classroom, despite many of her students being pre-pubescent themselves.
Trans-flag stickers (which may have since been taken down, since our investigation began), innuendos, the urging of her 11-13 year old students to “come out” to her, her very public support of various liberal ideologies & issues, in addition to her assurances to these vulnerable children that she is more than willing to hide ALL OF IT from their own families; all of these are very clear signs of a woman who would obviously be easily offended and who would target any child who expressed concern over the assigned survey.
This is not an isolated event in the Beaufort County School District, however. Many may remember a teacher that (among other names) went by Lane Cogdill. Lane was a teacher of middle school students in the exact same school. Lane went viral during what The Overton Group likes to call “The 2020 Riot Season” for making a video claiming that black people are allowed to burn American cities to the ground because black people built them all, showing a strange affinity for defining people by the color of their skin.
But many may NOT remember that Lane Cogdill was a leftist ideologue who went by multiple other names, including “Theo” and demanded her students refer to her as “they/them” and eventually “he/him.” Eventually, after being exposed and moved from one school to another by Beaufort County School District, Cogdill moved back to her home state of Maryland.
She continued creating social media posts where she told the world that she was more than willing to hide the mental issues of her 11 year old students from their families, similar to Mardy Burleson. Actually, the former Beaufort County School District employee recently had ANOTHER expose’ written about her by Fox News, broaching this exact same subject.

By the accounts of multiple sources, Cogdill was close with this computer teacher (and her underage daughter-turned-son). It seems there is more than one teacher in Hilton Head Middle School grooming pre-teen students into an overtly sexualized lifestyle. With the exposure of yet another teacher implementing these types of tactics upon their students in the same district, at the same school, it has become clear this is not some “one-off problem,” but an issue that is entirely more systemic than that.
That brings us back to the situation at hand:
Of the multitude of issues with this particular survey beyond the private nature of it, and the promise to keep it between the teacher and kids, is the fact that the survey was not approved by the district or school. The administration of the school apparently had no idea the survey had been handed out.
Despite much of the survey seeming somewhat innocuous at first glance, it’s undeniable that it was created to learn private details of the children and their families. From the answers to the questions given, Burleson would now have personal knowledge of how stable (or unstable) the child’s family life may be, what language they spoke, and any number of other things about the child, including whether the child was dealing with gender dysphoria or other mental issues. This COULD be ok, but policy requires “opt outs” for these things, which is why teachers aren’t meant to just go handing out private surveys while telling the kids to keep it all secret. That’s bad enough on its own, but then, when you take into account the “preferred pronouns” aspect of the survey, in conjunction with the knowledge that the teacher has trans-pride flag stickers all over the room, and has transed her own underage kid, it becomes a little more clear what may be happening.
Let’s call the parent “Mary,” in order to protect the identity of the people in question, for fear of retaliation against her or her children by the district…
By the time “Mary” reached out to us on January 26th, a meeting had been set up with administrators at the school in the coming days. Mary was adamant about wanting to take the proper courses of action laid out before her, an admirable thing to want, to be sure. While she was skeptical of how it would be handled, there was an undeniable belief present in her, a belief in the system handling violations of policy, and violations of trust, possible violations of state law correctly…unfortunately, the “remedy” was to simply ask Burleson not to do it again. No accountability, no process was set up to ensure it would not happen again, not even a reprimand.
That’s right. The response from the school was basically:
Hey, we see you are hiding things from parents and asking 12 year old children about their lgbtqia2+ experience, sexual orientation, and more. We also know that you transed your own kid. We also know that you have promised to keep all of this information hidden from both us, the principals, counselors, and administration, as well as parents themselves…could you maybe please stop?
And all was supposed to be well after that, according to the administration.
Once the school’s “team of leaders” and principal decided to tell the parent that it would be handled internally, and that no action would be taken, of course Mary was taken aback. More than that, with the principal telling Mary that he would be asking the teacher to stop, Mary was now acutely aware that her daughter had been placed directly in the crosshairs.
This is nothing new to “Mary,” as she played a vital role in exposing Lane/Theo/Xe/Xir/She/Him/Theirs after the "(black people)…should be able to burn this motherf&$ker down!” fiasco during Riot Season 2020.
That’s actually what has forced me to write this piece. Mary tried to do everything the correct way, and was basically dismissed out of hand. She believes the principal at Hilton Head Middle School has his hands tied.
The parent said of the principal:
He gets it but the district is telling him what to say. He has an internal battle with it because he knows I’m right, and I’m being honest and fair.
This reminds me of the famous quote, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”
This is a developing story, stay with us.
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Why should parents know what their kids are telling their teachers about themselves? They’re only their parents, they should bow down to the teacher who will spend a whopping 9 months with the student!
The parent has only raised them and will support them their entire life- why should they have a say you 1956 Neanderthal?
Who really thinks this way?
Pathetic article