SC Based Groups Work With Planned Parenthood Teaching "Queer Sex Ed" To Minors
Multiple Orgs Who Push Queer & Trans Youth Activism Teach bdsm, sex toys, and more to children from middle school and up
Last month something was sent to me. Something that I thought HAD to be satirical.
A flyer advertising to pay children in Charleston & Hilton Head, SC upwards of $100 to take a 3 day course to learn about gay sex, sex toys, bdsm, and more. “This,” I thought, “MUST be a joke…or some type of troll trying to get people upset by creating a fake flyer…”
Looking back, I wish that was the case.
So, once I found out what was going on here, I got to work researching. Were these people REALLY about to teach minors how to take part in bdsm and how to use sex toys?
Spoiler Alert: Yes, yes they REALLY were…and are.
I wanted to know what they were teaching, what age range was involved, which organizations were putting this together. I found a viper’s nest of leftist organizations hell-bent on transing children and grooming them into this insane neo-Marxist queering of American children. Some of these groups may seem familiar to you. For example, Planned Parenthood is deeply involved in this racket. They are, in fact, the ones who disseminate the material for these classes (which take in children aged 14-19). They do this through a group called “In-Clued” which was created by Planned Parenthood to groom children into taking part in various forms of gay and queer sex under the guise of “inclusive healthcare.”
Planned Parenthood has partnered with an organization called “ETR” whose tagline is “Advancing Health Equity.” According to their website, ETR does everything from promoting Diversity Equity & Inclusion in STEM fields, to dealing with alcohol and tobacco studies, all the way to creating “school based health and wellness” programs.
ETR is also the publisher of the GET REAL program. This is billed as a “Comprehensive Sex Ed Program” which most of us know as an offshoot of stemming from the ideas and philosophies of CASEL. CASEL began as a cult, I highly suggest learning more about their neo-Marxist ideals and new-age religiosity origins from people like James Lindsay and others. Learn about their origins here. And begin the deep dive into their tactics and methods here.
GetReal was the program they used in Hilton Head Island for middle schoolers exclusively this summer. InClued was the program they used in Charleston.
From their website, It’s easy to see they are at the forefront of woke culture and globalist propaganda in almost all its forms. Pretty wild stuff…
They do this all over the country, but I was more curious about who here, in South Carolina, was facilitating this program and literally paying children to coax them into coming to learn how to use sex toys and have “pleasurable gay sex.”
So that’s what I did.
I went to the links on the linktree site that was listed on the flyer.
Groups involved in this “pay kids to learn how to have gay sex” scheme, I found, are often talked about in glowing ways by MSM outlets like The Post & Courier. One of those groups is QT Camp. QT Camp, which stands for “Queer & Trans Camp” is based in Charleston, South Carolina, and they spend most of their time holding summer camps where adults encourage "queerness” and “trans ideology” to literal children!
These “queer and trans camps” are open to children in the 3rd grade and go all the way up to 12th grade. They actually have options for children as young as 5 or 6 yrs old, in the first grade “all summer long” as well.
In an email correspondence with Nadia Klincewicz, a “public health educator” for Planned Parenthood South Atlantic who acts as the board treasurer for QT Camp, I posed as the uncle of a “they/them” who had “bigoted” parents and grandparents. This non-existent young teen was curious about how to have sex and use toys with various partners, had a lot of questions and was interested in joining the program.
Nadia was ecstatic and thanked me “for being an awesome caring adult” while she tried to persuade me to also get this fictional minor signed up for their trans a queer summer camps. I asked questions about how the virtual class would be held (at this point the last of the in-person classes had already passed but we’ll get to that in a bit), and I wanted to know what those classes entailed. For some reason, Nadia seemed a bit reluctant to give me clear information on the process. I wonder why…
I was informed, however that another of the groups that works with PP to push these queer grooming classes is an organization called “We Are Family.” You may remember We Are Family from an article and episode of our podcast where we exposed them for doing something similar to QT Camp. They intend to do more in person InClued classes here in SC in the fall, as they did last year, according to Nadia.
This organization hold “proms” for “queer youth” as well as adults. They hold summer camps for kids to learn about being gay or trans. Now, they are expanding all over the state of South Carolina from their hub here in Charleston. This is another group that gets a lot of positive attention from local and state corporate media.
They are also funded by many recognizable businesses in SC, as you can see below.
Now, I also had a friend reach out to them via telephone, someone who was in the required age range and initially had agreed to go in and take the course. What she was told, however, about the program, concerned her and her parents to the point where she did not feel comfortable even attending a single day of the course.
Parents or guardians were not allowed anywhere in the building at any time. The class would take place over 3 days, 1 hour per day. One day would be focused on how to “educate” your doctors on all of the problems with the gender binary, and teach you how to speak with your doctor about queerness, as well as avoiding STIs and things of that nature.
At least one of the other days would have a focus on how to have “pleasurable gay sex” including how to use toys on yourself and others, various kinks, and numerous other highly questionable things.
These courses include role play, adult-led discussions, and small group discussions led by other minors that have gone through a 20 hour program on how to coax other queer students into accepting their queerness. And at the end of it all, each participant would be given a cool hundred-dollar bill. Wow.
The person our friend reached out to explained that it would, indeed, get very graphic. This is why that person decided she was not comfortable attending, and I do not blame her.
These groups do all they can to hide this information and the specifics of their programs from anyone who isn’t “in the loop” or anyone who isn’t…shall we say…susceptible to buying into it all hook, line, and sinker. That makes discovering exactly what is going on very difficult.
While we are gathering video evidence of what exactly goes on in these private, hidden-from-parents classes, one of the linktree links posted on that flyer did take us to some very mild examples that explain, at least a bit, about what the pedagogy is that these courses follow. AMAZE is an organization that teaches the same type of CASEL based gender ideology. They have been brave enough to post a few of the videos that they use to indoctrinate children into the belief structures surrounding queer theory and questioning their very nature. I will link one of the videos below and you can have fun going through more of them. But make no mistake, this is NOT the highly graphic, sex toy and kink laden class that was held in Charleston & Hilton Head.
Stay tuned while we continue to uncover more of the specifics regarding these South Carolina based organizations and their highly questionable, grotesquely obscene (probably illegal) morally depraved attempts to groom the youngest generation of Americans.
And remember, once these neo-Marxists, critical theoreticians, autogynephiles, and queer theory purveyors teach your children that there is no such thing as truth, no such thing as “normal,” and no such thing as good and evil…they own the future. And once they own the future, there’s no getting it back.
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The main lesson here, as with many things like this, is PARENTING. You can protect your kids from this but you have to be active and engaged. Thanks for this research.