I am having a hard time writing this. I haven’t had much sleep. Like many of you I have been sorting through TONS of disinformation, misinformation, and chaotic confusion trying to find the truth of what happened at Donald Trump’s Pennsylvania rally, where a gunman fired multiple shots, hit Trump in the ear, killed a man that shares my first name, and injured others before being shot and killed by a sniper who was hired to protect the former (and future) president of The United States of America.
It has been a whirlwind of innuendo, conjecture, assertions, conspiracy theories, mis-identifications and fear mixed with the jubilation and disappointment of the average Democrat voter in America. Jubilation that Donald Trump had finally been shot, disappointment that the shooter’s bullet did not result in the death of Joe Biden’s political opponent.
I am not speaking hyperbolically, there are tens of thousands of posts on every social media outlet from Biden voters who are desperately angry that the would-be assassin’s bullet merely grazed Donald Trump’s face, rather than blowing his entire head to pieces.
It is not lost on me the importance of this event. This is the first time that an assassination attempt against either a president, former president, or major candidate for president has drawn blood since the attempted assassination against Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981. That is more than 40 years ago. That means it as been 3 or 4 generations since something like this happened. This time, it happened in front of a crowd of thousands, on live T.V., in 4k. Absolutely shocking…
The only thing that has shocked me more than the event itself is the response from the uber-privileged, narcissistic liberals and Biden voters. Responses from school employees, government workers, and folks we would have pegged as “average” Democrat voters up to this point. These people have not only reveled in the fact that a former president & current presidential candidate was shot in the face in front of men, women, and children from all over the nation, but they are expressing disdain for the fact that the bullet that hit Donald Trump was not fatal.
This is the “tolerant left” in action. This is who they truly are, I beg of you to believe them.
But What Do We Know?
There has been a HELL of a lot of disinformation out there. From Lara Logan and Real America’s Voice Network claiming that the shooter was a random youtuber from Italy (false…obviously).

All the way to local corporate media falling for a troll on twitter claiming to be the shooter (at the end of the video claiming “you got the wrong guy!”) which was absurd…since those same outlets literally had photo of the shooter…dead…on a rooftop…at the same time they were trying to claim that video was the same individual. (The person in the video below is NOT the shooter. It is twitter handle (@)jewgazer on twitter and is a confirmed hoax)
Then we have anonymous 4chan and reddit threads from some guy claiming to be the one who shot the would-be assassin. This anonymous poster claimed he was demanded not to take the shot, took it anyway, was arrested and subsequently released, only to go onto 4chan and tell everyone “what really happened.”

These sorts of misdirection are not unheard of in such chaotic situations that have such immense reverberations. One of the main differences here is, this comes at a time where trust of authority is (I would argue rightfully) at an all time low. Another difference here is how many “main stream media” outlets and “blue-check” commentators took the bait, all of them more concerned with being the “first” than they were with being CORRECT in their reporting. What a dangerous path.
There are many things we DO know, at this point. But there are many things we DON’T know.
We DO know that the shooter was named Thomas Matthew Crooks, he was 20 years old, went to Bethel Park High School in Bethel Park Pennsylvania. Here he is below getting his diploma.
We DO know that he was featured in an ad for BlackRock inc. that was filmed at that very high school.
We know that he was a registered Republican in a state where one must register by party, though we also know of the not-so-secret plan that encouraged young voters to register Republican for primaries in order to pick the worst Republican in the runoff elections in 2022, as well as the effort to get to leftists to register Republican in closed primary states with the intent of keeping Trump off the ballot.
Was this the inevitable conclusion of the “by any means necessary” strategy of the left to ensure that Donald Trump would never be the Republican Nominee?
We also know now that, at 16 or 17, in 2021, he donated money to ActBlue and earmarked it for the “Progressive Turnout Project.”
Sources say he was a “loner” who wore a mask “well after covid” according to Gateway Pundit’s reporting.
But all that we have in the way of a motive is the left’s constant rhetoric of violence. The CONSTANT claims of Joe Biden and all of his acolytes in the media, his handlers in government, that Donald Trump is “literally Hitler” and plans to genocide EVERYONE. Just 5 days before the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, Joe Biden told his donors on a call that “It’s time to put Donald Trump in the bullseye.”
A couple of days after that Jill Biden told a crowd that Donald Trump is “evil.”
This isn’t new. Ever since Biden’s speech in front of red lights and uniformed military soldiers declaring anyone who supports Donald Trump a traitor to democracy and an extremist enemy of the state, the temperature of American politics has risen exponentially.
I will leave the declarations of what the Secret Service and local officers did and did not do right to people better and more knowledgeable than me, I hope to have them on my future shows as we discuss ways to keep things like this from happening in the future. What I am really interested in is this….
What’s Next?!
Well, as far as I am concerned…this is what happens next.
I think Trump will win in a landslide now.
The independents are disgusted that the left resorted to this, after already being disgusted at what they saw was a politically motivated prosecution against Donald Trump by Biden & his cronies.
And then, after all of that, to see the left ANGRY that the shooter missed?
The average independent low info voter wants NOTHING to do with that type of blind hatred and despotic autocracy.
They saw Biden in the debate, and were shocked because they had been told by MSM he was fine for SO long, and they believed the media when they were told this. They have been told that the right is violent and hateful, then they saw Trump get shot in the face on television, only to then see the left get visibly mad that the would-be assassin did not complete his mission.
The independent voter, the low info voter has finally seen the left with their mask taken off...and they do NOT like what they see.
Our goal is to ensure that Donald Trump makes it to the finish line, despite the best efforts of the left in America to ensure that does not happen.
Just be sure to be wary of grifters out there who ask you to give them money to “help save America” and those who latch on to the most extreme of unverified theories with no evidence and demand you “fight alongside them!”
In my extensive experience, those are the folks who are trying to con you into being cannon fodder in their own search for power.
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Good analysis. The way everything is on video these days sure makes things much clearer. Can you imagine the Kennedy assassination in 2024? There would be 300 Zapruder films. Every single person who cheers this assassination should be called out to their employer. Because, that's the rules we play under now, right?
Well said. I hope the low information independent is as honorable as you feel. Romans chapter one does indicate that God has marked their hearts with his law & consciences too —even if they don’t know or care about God’s law or have been turned off by fake church